Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics
ISSN: 1817-3462E (Online) 1818-5495 (Print)
Insights into dual Rickart modules: Unveiling the role of second cosingular submodules
M. Khudhair Abbas\(^a\), Y. Talebi \(^{b,∗}\), I. Mohammed Ali\(^c\)
\(^a\)Technical College of Management, Baghdad Middle Technical University Baghdad,Iraq
\(^b\)Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
\(^c\)Department of Mathematics, College of Education on Ibn-Al-Haithm, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
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In this paper, we propose a new type of module by focusing on the second cosingular submodule of a module. We define a module M as weak T-dual Rickart if, for any homomorphism φ ∈ EndR(M), the submodule φ(z̄2(M)) lies above a direct summand of M. We prove that this property is inherited by direct summands of M. We also introduce weak T-dual Baer modules and provide a complete characterization of such modules where the second cosingular submodule is a direct summand. Furthermore, we present a characterization of (semi)perfect rings in which every (finitely generated) module is weak T-dual Rickart.