Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics

Shape preserving constrained data visualization using rational functions

Tahira S. Shaikh
Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Muhammad Sarfraz
Department of Information Science, Adailiya Campus, Kuwait University, Kuwait.
Malik Zawwar Hussain
Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

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This work has been contributed on the visualization of curves and surfaces for constrained data. A rational cubic function, with free shape parameters in its description, has been introduced and used. This function has been constrained to visualize the preservation of shape of the data by imposing constraints on free parameters. The rational cubic curve case has also been extended to a rational bi-cubic partially blended surface to visualize the shape preserving surface to constrained data.


Rational function, constrained curve data, constrained surface data, free parameters.