Our focus is to accommodate only high quality research publications routed through a very careful reviewed process. All type of genuine\solid results are welcome including, regular research papers and short communications in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Our aim is encourage young scientists to come up with new ideas in different area of mathematics, which play a role of underline research for future work. The scope of JPRM includes:
- K-theory and homology
- logic
- mathematical physics
- operator algebras
- optimization and control
- probability
- metric geometry
- number theory
- numerical analysis
- quantum algebra
- representation theory
- rings and algebras
- geometric analysis
- variational problems
- mathematical finance
- spectral theory
- statistics theory
- symplectic geometry
- harmonic analysis
- computer science
- mathematical and computational biology
- quantum theory
- combinatorics
- commutative algebra
- complex variables
- differential geometry
- algebraic geometry
- algebraic topology
- analysis of PDEs
- category theory
- classical analysis and ODEs
- geometric topology
- group theory
- history and overview
- information theory
- dynamical systems
- functional analysis
- general mathematics
- general topology