Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics

On eigenvalues and surjectivity using fixed points

Anoop. S. K.
Research Scholar, P. G. Dept. and Research Centre in Mathematics, Payyanur College, Payyanur, Kannur, Kerala, India.
K. T. Ravindran
Reader, P. G. Dept. and Research Centre in Mathematics, Payyanur College, Payyanur,
Kannur, Kerala, India.

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Here first we will prove the existence of fixed points for a weakly continuous, strictly quasi bounded operator on a reflexive Banach space and a completely continuous, strictly quasi bounded operator on any normed linear space. Using these results we can deduce the existence of eigen values and surjectivity of quasi bounded operator in similar situations.


Reflexive banach space, weakly continuous functions, completely continuous functions, quasi bounded functions, strictly quasi bounded functions.