Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics

Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics (JPRM) ISSN: 1817-3462 (Online) 1818-5495 (Print) is an HEC recognized, Scopus indexed, open access journal which provides a plate forum to the international community all over the world to publish their work in mathematical sciences. JPRM is very much focused on timely processed publications keeping in view the high frequency of upcoming new ideas and make those new ideas readily available to our readers from all over the world for free of cost. Starting from 2020, we publish one Volume each year containing two issues in June and December. The accepted papers will be published online immediate in the running issue. All issues will be gathered in one volume which will be published in December of every year.

Latest Published Articles

Quantum Painlev´e II solution with approximated analytic solution in form of nearly Yukawa potential

JPRM-Vol. 17 (2021), Issue 1, pp. 1 – 6 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Irfan Mahmood
Abstract: In this article it has been shown that one dimensional non-stationary Schrodinger equation with a specific choice of potential reduces to the quantum Painleve II equation and the solution of its riccati form appears as a dominant term of that potential. Further, we show that Painleve II Riccati solution is an equivalent representation of centrifugal expression of radial Schrodinger potential. This expression is used to derive the approximated to the Yukawa potential of radial Schrodinger equation which can be solved by applying the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Finally, we express the approximated form of Yukawa potential explicitly in terms of quantum Painleve II solution.
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Modified beta generalized linear failure rate distribution: theory and applications

JPRM-Vol. 16 (2020), Issue 2, pp. 123 – 148 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Farrukh Jamal, Ibrahim Elbatal, Christophe Chesneau, Mohammed Elgarhy, Amal S. Hassan
Abstract: In this paper we introduce a new comprehensive six-parameter distribution called the modified beta generalized linear failure rate distribution. One of the interest of this distribution is to generalize some well-known flexible distributions discussed in the literature, such as (i) the beta linear failure rate distribution, (ii) the generalized linear failure rate distribution, (iii) the beta exponential distribution, (iv) the beta Rayleigh distribution and (v) the generalized exponential distribution, among others. We derive some of its statistical properties, including the moments, the moment generating function, the quantile function, the order statistics and the mean deviations. We propose the method of maximum likelihood for estimating the model parameters. A simulation study is performed in order to investigate the performance of the maximum likelihood estimators. A real data set is used to illustrate the importance and the flexibility of the new distribution.
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Existence of a solution for integral Urysohn type equations system via fixed points technique in complex valued extended \(b\)-metric spaces

JPRM-Vol. 16 (2020), Issue 2, pp. 109 – 122 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Abdelkader Belhenniche, Sfya Benahmed, Liliana Guran
Abstract: In this article, we obtain fixed point results and we give a common fixed point theorem for ‘Ciri’c type operators on complex valued extended b-metric spaces which may satisfy very general assumptions. Our results extend and generalize the results of Kiran et al. [1], as well as some known results in the literature. Then an illustrative application to Urysohn type integral equations system is given.
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Improvement of the Hardy inequality involving \(k\)-fractional calculus

JPRM-Vol. 16 (2020), Issue 2, pp. 89 – 108 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Sajid Iqbal, Muhammad Samraiz
Abstract: The major idea of this paper is to establish some new improvements of the Hardy inequality by using \(k\)-fractional integral of Riemann-type, Caputo \(k\)-fractional derivative, Hilfer \(k\)-fractional derivative and Riemann-Liouville \((k,r)\)-fractional integral. We discuss the \(\log\)-convexity of the related linear functionals. We also deduce some known results from our general results.
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Multiplicative Shingali and Kanabour indices for Bismuth Tri-Iodide

JPRM-Vol. 16 (2020), Issue 2, pp. 80 – 88 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Abaid ur Rehman Virk
Abstract: Topological indices helps us to collect information about algebraic graphs and gives us mathematical approach to understand the properties of algebraic structures. Here, we will introduce Multiplicative version of Shingali and Kanabour indices and compute these indices for Bismuth Tri-Iodide chain \(m-Bil_{3}\) and sheet \(Bil_{3}(m\times n)\).
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Novel fractional differential operator and its application in fluid dynamics

JPRM-Vol. 16 (2020), Issue 2, pp. 69 – 79 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Muhammad Imran Asjad
Abstract: Theoretical analysis of unsteady incompressible viscous fluid has been carried with constant proportional Caputo fractional derivative namely constant proportional Caputo type with singular kernel. The modeled considered in this paper is the fundament problem of fluid dynamics. The resulting governing equations are modeled with hybrid fractional operator of singular kernel and its solution obtained by using Laplace transform method and expressed in terms of series. Some graphs are captured for fractional parameter \(\alpha\) for large and small time and found that velocity shows dual trend for small and large values of time for different values of fractional parameter $\alpha$. Further, compared the present results with the results obtained with new fractional operators and found that constant proportional Caputo type operator portrait better velocity decay. Moreover, for increasing time, momentum boundary layer thickness increases while for grater values of fractional parameter it reduces.
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Volume 21 (2025)

Volume 20 (2024)

Volume 19 (2023)

Volume 18 (2022)

Volume 17 (2021)

Volume 16 (2020)

Volume 15 (2019)

Volume 14 (2018)

Volume 13 (2017)

Volume 12 (2016)

Volume 11 (2015)

Volume 10 (2014)

Volume 09 (2013)

Volume 08 (2012)

Volume 07 (2011)

Volume 06 (2010)

Volume 05 (2009)

Volume 04 (2008)

Volume 03 (2007)

Volume 02 (2006)

Volume 01 (2005)