Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics

Open-loop control of quantum particle motion: effective splitting in momentum space

Babar Ahmad
The School of Mathematical Science, Government College University, Lahore, 68-B,
New Muslim Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Sergei Borisenok
The School of Mathematical Science, Government College University, Lahore, 68-B,
New Muslim Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Department of Physics, Herzen State University, 48 Moika River Embankment, 191186
St. Petersburg, Russia.
The School of Mathematical Science, Government College University, Lahore, 68-B,
New Muslim Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Yuri Rozhdestvensky
Institute of Laser Physics, 12 Birzhevaya Line, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia.

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In this paper an effective quantum particle beam-splitter in the momentum space is realized in the frame of open-loop control scheme. We demonstrate for small interaction time that the splitting effect \(±40\hbar k\) with summarized relative intensity in both main components is about 50 per cent from initial intensity of the atomic beam.


Open-loop control, beam splitter.