Analysing MHD Heat-Mass Transfer model for-Oldroyd-B Fluid Using Fractional Order Prabhakar Derivative
Complexity of Monad graphs generated by the function f(g) = g5
Category Of Grey Sets
Insights into dual Rickart modules: Unveiling the role of second cosingular submodules
Formulas of the solutions of a solvable system of nonlinear difference equations
x_{n+1}=f^{-1}\left(\frac{g(y_{n} )g(y_{n-1} )(f(x_{n-1} ))^{p}}{f(x_{n} )[a_{n} (g(y_{n-2} ))^{q} +b_{n} g(y_{n} )g(y_{n-1} )]}\right),\\
y_{n+1}=g^{-1} \ \left(\frac{h(z_{n} )h(z_{n−1} )(g(y_{n−1} ))^{q}}{g(y_{n} )[c_{n} (h(z_{n−2} ))^{r} +d_{n} h(z_{n} )h(z_{n−1} )]}\right),\\
\ z_{n+1} =h^{−1} \ \ \left(\frac{f(x_{n} )f(x_{n−1} )(h(z_{n−1} ))^{r}}{h(z_{n} )[s_{n} (f(x_{n−2} ))^{p} +t_{n} f(x_{n} )f(x_{n−1} )]}\right),\end{cases}
where 𝑛∈ℕ0,𝑝,𝑞,𝑟∈ℕ,𝑓,𝑔,ℎ :D→ℝ are continuous one-to-one functions on D⊆ℝ, the coefficients (𝑎𝑛)𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑏𝑛)𝑛∈ℕ0(𝑐𝑛)𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑑𝑛)𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑠𝑛)𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑡𝑛)𝑛∈ℕ0 are non-zero real numbers and the initial values 𝑥−𝑖,𝑦−𝑖,𝑧−𝑖,𝑖=0,1,2, are real numbers. We will give explicit formulas for well-defined solutions of the aforementioned system in both variable and constant cases of the coefficients. As an application, we will deduce the formulas of the solutions of the particular system obtained from the general one by taking 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑔(𝑥)=ℎ(𝑥)=𝑥.