Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics

Comparing Zagreb Indices of Rhombus Networks

Usman Ali∗, Taha Amjad, Muhammad Javaid

Department of Mathematics, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.


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The study of networks by using topological indices (TIs) have been significantly become a useful attention in the physicochemical properties of compounds, pharmacology and drug delivery in the field of experimental sciences. Thus, TIs help us to study the new networks and they also play an essential role in the study of the quantitative structure property and activity relationships. In this paper, we compute the connection number (CN) based Zagreb indices in the form of first general-Zagreb connection index (ZCI), generalized first, second, third and fourth ZCIs of two rhombus type networks such as rhombus oxide and rhombus silicate. In particularly, we also find the first, second, modified first, second, third and fourth ZCIs by using main results of the abovementioned general & generalized connection based Zagreb indices. In addition, a comparison between degree and CN based Zagreb indices is done with the help of their numerical values and graphical demonstration


Degree, connection number, Zagreb indices, general and generalized Zagreb indices.