Category Of Grey Sets

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 89 – 96 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Masoomeh Hezarjaribi, Davood Darvishi Solokolaei, Zohreh Habibi
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the concept of morphisms between two grey sets and defined a new category, namely, GSet, of grey sets and grey morphisms. We investigate some categorical notions such product, coproduct, pullback, and pushout. Additionally, we study equalizer and coequalizer for pairs of grey morphisms and show that any grey set has an injective hull.
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Insights into dual Rickart modules: Unveiling the role of second cosingular submodules

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 81 – 88 Open Access Full-Text PDF
M. Khudhair Abbas, Y. Talebi, I. Mohammed Ali
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new type of module by focusing on the second cosingular submodule of a module. We define a module M as weak T-dual Rickart if, for any homomorphism φ ∈ EndR(M), the submodule φ(z̄2(M)) lies above a direct summand of M. We prove that this property is inherited by direct summands of M. We also introduce weak T-dual Baer modules and provide a complete characterization of such modules where the second cosingular submodule is a direct summand. Furthermore, we present a characterization of (semi)perfect rings in which every (finitely generated) module is weak T-dual Rickart.
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Formulas of the solutions of a solvable system of nonlinear difference equations

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 65 – 80 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Hamida Hamioud, Nouressadat Touafek, Imane Dekkar, Mohammed B. Almatrafi
Abstract: Consider the following general three dimensional system of difference equations
x_{n+1}=f^{-1}\left(\frac{g(y_{n} )g(y_{n-1} )(f(x_{n-1} ))^{p}}{f(x_{n} )[a_{n} (g(y_{n-2} ))^{q} +b_{n} g(y_{n} )g(y_{n-1} )]}\right),\\
y_{n+1}=g^{-1} \ \left(\frac{h(z_{n} )h(z_{n−1} )(g(y_{n−1} ))^{q}}{g(y_{n} )[c_{n} (h(z_{n−2} ))^{r} +d_{n} h(z_{n} )h(z_{n−1} )]}\right),\\
\ z_{n+1} =h^{−1} \ \ \left(\frac{f(x_{n} )f(x_{n−1} )(h(z_{n−1} ))^{r}}{h(z_{n} )[s_{n} (f(x_{n−2} ))^{p} +t_{n} f(x_{n} )f(x_{n−1} )]}\right),\end{cases}
where⁢ 𝑛∈ℕ0,𝑝,𝑞,𝑟∈ℕ,𝑓,𝑔,ℎ :D→ℝ⁢ are continuous one-to-one functions on D⊆ℝ, the coefficients ⁡(𝑎𝑛)⁢𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑏𝑛)⁢𝑛∈ℕ0⁡(𝑐𝑛)⁢𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑑𝑛)⁢𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑠𝑛)⁢𝑛∈ℕ0,(𝑡𝑛)⁢𝑛∈ℕ0⁢ are non-zero real numbers and the initial values 𝑥−𝑖,𝑦−𝑖,𝑧−𝑖,𝑖=0,1,2, are real numbers. We will give explicit formulas for well-defined solutions of the aforementioned system in both variable and constant cases of the coefficients. As an application, we will deduce the formulas of the solutions of the particular system obtained from the general one by taking 𝑓⁡(𝑥)=𝑔⁡(𝑥)=ℎ⁡(𝑥)=𝑥.

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Metric Dimension and Some Related Parameters of Different Classes of Benzenoid System

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 58 – 64 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Muhammad Imran Qureshi, Zill e Shams, Rukhsar Zireen, Sana Saeed
Abstract: The resolving set for connected graphs has become one of the most important concept due to its applicability in networking, robotics and computer sciences. Let G be a simple and connected graph, an ordered-subset B of V (G) is called resolving set of G, if every distinct vertex of G have different metric code w.r.t B. Smallest resolving set of G is known as basis of G and size of basis set is called as metric dimension(MD) of graph G. A resolving set B′ of G is known as fault-tolerant resolving set(FTRS), ifB′\{v} is also resolving set, ∀ v ϵ B′. Such set B′ with smallest size is termed as fault-tolerant metric basis and the cardinality of this set is called fault-tolerant metric dimension(FTMD) of graph G. A FTMD set B′ for which the system failure at vertex location v of any station still provide us a resolving set. In this article, we have provided the MD and FTMD for triangular benzenoid system and hourglass benzenoid system.
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Optimizing Synchronization: A Comparative Study of Four-Dimensional Forced SIR Systems Employing Multiple Control Techniques

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 43 – 57 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Derbouche Assia, Hamri Nasr-Eddine, Laouira Widad
Abstract: The forced SIR system’s synchronization is the main subject of this study. Through the use of several control techniques, including active control (AC), active backstepping control (ABC), adaptive control (AdC), and sliding mode control (SMC). We redesigned the three-dimensional system to be autonomous and made it four-dimensional to ease numerical computations. The system’s phase portrait, Lyapunov exponent graph, and bifurcation diagram are used to analyze its dynamic properties through numerical simulation. The effectiveness of the AC, SMC, ABC, and AdC approaches is examined using dynamical error and necessary control inputs. By contrasting the integral square error with the required control energy measurements, the best control for synchronization is found.
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Modeling the impact of Obesity on Covid-19 dynamics : A stochastic and deterministic models

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 16 – 42 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Maroua Amel Boubekeur, Omar Belhamiti
Abstract: We have witnessed that the Covid-19 epidemic in obese people, one of the epidemic diseases that is one of the important problems, has seriously affected the whole world. It is important to keep alive the concern that other epidemics may occur and to investigate the scientific approaches that may be necessary to predict the future of the epidemic.This study proposes a novel Covid-19 model that takes into account both infected individuals and specifically obese infected individuals. For the proposed model, deterministic and stochastic versions of the model have been presented, While for the stochastic model existence-uniqueness proofs . In addition, the existence of global positive solutions for the stochastic model and the conditions under which the disease becomes extinct in the population are presented. In addition to providing an insight into deterministic and stochastic approaches to the Covid-19 outbreak, these approaches have been simulated with graphical representations.
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The implementation of Hosoya index and Hosoya polynomial into some graphs related to cycles

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 15 – 22 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Herolistra Baskoroputro, FM Bhatti, Hafiz Muhammad Humza, Alfi Y. Zakiyyah
Abstract: The Hosoya index counts the number of independent edge sets in a graph, that is the number of subsets of the edge set such that no two edges in the subset share a vertex. Moreover, the Hosoya index gives important details on a graph’s structural properties, including its connectivity. It has applications in a variety of fields, including computational biology, networking, and chemistry. In our article, we study Hosoya indiex of amalgamation of cycles and edge-amalgamation of cycles. Moreover, in this article we study the restricted Hosoya polynomial of amalgamation of cycles and we also give the general form of topological index.
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Numerical solution of a multi-wing chaotic system with piecewise differential operators

JPRM-Vol. 20 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 1 – 14 Open Access Full-Text PDF
Mehmet Akif Cetin, Selahattin Genc, Metin Araz
Abstract: In this study, a multi-wing chaotic system with classical derivative has been studied. The conditions under which the existence and uniqueness of the solution of this chaotic system exist are examined. Afterwards, this chaotic system has been modified using fractional differential operators, and in this case the behavior of the multi-wing chaotic system has been investigated. Moreover, the newly introduced piecewise differential operators is included in such a chaotic system and the piecewise chaotic system is solved by using Newton polynomial approach. The numerical simulations of piecewise chaotic system are performed for fractional order.
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